Kamis, 30 Agustus 2012
Meng-print lirik lagu.
Irin mencari dua lirik lagu di laptop, berjudul A Whole New World and You'll Be in My Heart, aku mengcopi lirik-lirik lagu ke Miscrosoft Office Word, muncullah dua lirik lagu, aku di save lirik-lirik lagu, setelah itu, aku dan Bu Diah mengprint litik-lirik lagu, muncullah tulisan lagu A Whole New World and You'll Be in My Heart. Aku suka lagu lirik Aladin dan Tarzan itu.
Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2012
Lumiere Prepare the Dinner.
Belle just relax and sit the chair, napkin tied the neck, and read the menu. She want the pie and pudding, beef ragout, etc. The spoons jump into the syrup pool, the dishes are singing and dancing, Mrs. Pot want the tea, and dancing napkin, but, napkin want cleaning up and Ladies Sweeping want cleaning up too. the candlesticks are glowing, the top on the glowing lamp, the forks dancing. Everyone very exciting, the champagne are bursting like the fireworks. Everybody like prepared the dinner, Belle is she's a guest.
Jumat, 10 Agustus 2012
Irina sering dihukum
Hari ini, Irina mau bermain komputer milik Bu Diah, tiba-tiba, Irin membuka pintu dan mencari laptop. Bu Diah marah, dan Irin mau dihukum. Irin duduk di kursi, dan Bu Diah menutup pintu terapi. irin duduk sampai 5 menit. Kemudian, di irin tidak akan bermain internet pada hari Kamis dan Jumat, tapi, irin bermain internet di hari Minggu. Irin pintar karena belajar di sekolah.Irin meminta maaf kepada Bu Vera, orang tua, dll. Sekarang, Irin belajar giat dan terapi yang pintar.Irin mau dihukum karena ngeces saat terapi oleh bu vera, tapi irin mengerjakan PR Matematika tentang perkalian di rumah.
Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012
I can draw, read, and write in the Irina room.
Today, Irin to the Irina room, Irin write and read in the Irina room, Irin read the novel book, etc, and write in the letter, capital, and the others. Irin draw something with the color pencil, pen, crayon, and color spidols. I draw flower, like daffodil, buttercup, violet, snapdragon, and lily, pet animal, like cat, dog, rabbit, goldfish, and pigeon, and place, like restaurant, hospital, park, and the others. I like draw, read, and write in the Irin room.
Hari ini, Irin menuju ke kamar Irin, Irin menulis, menbaca,
Hari ini, Irin menuju ke kamar Irin, Irin menulis, menbaca,
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