Sabtu, 29 September 2012
Bunga ada berwarna macam-macam, ada yang kuning, ada yang pink, dan ada yang putih, seperti bunga narsis, bunga melati, and bunga tulip
Sabtu, 22 September 2012
Irin hiking berjalan ke lorong, ke kiri, terus, ke lapang yang berumput, turun ke bawah, sesampai di rumah. irin suka hiking di Pekanbaru.
Jumat, 21 September 2012
Irin mencari lirik lagu Jungle Book 2
Irin mencari lirik lagu Jungle Book 2 di internet, yaitu Jungle Rhythm. Irin meng-klik lirik lagu Jungle Book 2, terus, meng-copi lirik lagu, dan meng-paste di Microsoft Office Word, kemudian, irin meng-print lagu lirik, dan keluarlah tulisan lagu lirik Jungle Book 2. Irin suka lagu lirik Jungle Book 2. Setelah itu, irin menyanyikan lagu The Jungle Book 2 berjudul The Jungle Rhythm. suaranya merdu. Setelah menyanyikan, irn pulang ke rumah Irina. Irin suka mencari dan menyanyikan lirik lagu The Jungle Book 2.
Jungle Rhythm Lryics By Jungle Book Lyrics
Rhythm Lyrics
that morning sun peaks over the
and all the rhinos rub their eyes
when they hear (hear what?)
hear the jungle rhythm
those birds are tap tap tappin the tree trunks
the busy bee hums as he flies
loud and clear, to the jungle rhythm
now you can high tail it outta the jungle
but it never leaves your heart
first you feel that beat start bubblin under then hear the tom toms loudest thunder
It's movin me!
sounds alot like bein free
when you feeel, feel the jungle rhythm (feel the jungle rhythm)
cant do without rhythm
and when it fills the air, animals everywhere
join in the daaance
you'll dance along with em, feeling it steal your soul
we'll stomp our paws, flap our wings
maybe wanna do wonderful crazy things! (yea thats it!)
check ou those chat chat chatterin monkeys
swingin through the banyan trees
two by 2 two to the jungle rhythm
sounds like a one wolf play in the distance
singing through the harmonies
woo woo to the jungle rhythm
now you can high tail it outta the jungle
but it never leaves your heart
first you feel that beat start bubblin under then hear the tom toms loudest thunder
It's movin me!
sounds alot like bein free
when i feeel, feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
and all the rhinos rub their eyes
when they hear (hear what?)
hear the jungle rhythm
those birds are tap tap tappin the tree trunks
the busy bee hums as he flies
loud and clear, to the jungle rhythm
now you can high tail it outta the jungle
but it never leaves your heart
first you feel that beat start bubblin under then hear the tom toms loudest thunder
It's movin me!
sounds alot like bein free
when you feeel, feel the jungle rhythm (feel the jungle rhythm)
cant do without rhythm
and when it fills the air, animals everywhere
join in the daaance
you'll dance along with em, feeling it steal your soul
we'll stomp our paws, flap our wings
maybe wanna do wonderful crazy things! (yea thats it!)
check ou those chat chat chatterin monkeys
swingin through the banyan trees
two by 2 two to the jungle rhythm
sounds like a one wolf play in the distance
singing through the harmonies
woo woo to the jungle rhythm
now you can high tail it outta the jungle
but it never leaves your heart
first you feel that beat start bubblin under then hear the tom toms loudest thunder
It's movin me!
sounds alot like bein free
when i feeel, feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
feel the jungle rhythm
Sabtu, 15 September 2012
Bahagia Ketika Makinya Lahir.
Aku bahagia ketika makkinya lahir. Warna kulitnya putih, matanya hitam kecoklatan, suka menangis, dan suka senang. Karena makkinya keluar dari perut ibu. Makkinya suka mandi, dan suka tidur di tempat tidur bayi. Aku senang sekali ketika makkinya lahir.
Sabtu, 08 September 2012
Tentang Maki.
Maki adalah bayi yang imut, suka nangis, dan berkulit putih, Maki, nama lengkapnya, Muhammad Maki Abduraman. Maki diberi Breasts Feeding, yaitu, ASI (Air Susu Ibu). Maki disetelah 6 bulan. Aku suka bayi nenamainya Maki.
Jumat, 07 September 2012
Irin mencari lagu Aladdin.
Hari ini, ini mencari lagu Aladdin di Google, aku mencari lagu Aladdin, yaitu A Whole New World, lalu, mengpaste lagu ke Microsoft Office Word, dan mengcopi tulisan. Setelah itu, Irin mengprint lagu Aladdin, keluar tulisan lagu. Setelah diprint, Irin menyanyikan lagu Aladdin berjudul A Whole New World, nyanyian sangat merdu.
Kamis, 06 September 2012
Irin suka lagu The Jungle Book.
Irin mencari dua lagu yaitu The Bare Necessites dan Colonel Hathi's March, lalu, mengcopi tulisan lagu, ke Microsoft Office Word, lalu, mengpaste tulisan dua lagu, setelah itu, irin memgprint dua lirik lagu The Jungle Book, keluarlah tulisan lagu lirik. Aku suka dua lagu The Jungle Book.
Sabtu, 01 September 2012
Aku suka Mengambar dan memwarna.
Irin ingin mengambar, mau pakai pensil, spidol, atau pena. Aku mengambar benda, seperti sendok, komputer, lampu, dan piano, aku mengambar burung, kupu-kupu, pohon kelapa, pohon cemara, dan pohon mangga. Lalu, Irin mewarnai dengan krayon di kertas, alam, benda, dan lingkungan. aku suka mengambar dan memwarnai.
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